Sandy Ridge Missionary Baptist Church
Morven, North Carolina
This website is the sole property and responsibility of Sandy Ridge Missionary Baptist Church. All rights reserved.
Schedule of Events
Church Calendar
To see the above calendar one week at a time, select the Week option (top right hand side of calendar). To see the above calendar in a list of events, select the Agenda option. To see the details of an event, click on the event to open it.
Click on the below links to open
Sandy Ridge Missionary Baptist Church
Morven, North Carolina
This website is the sole property and responsibility of Sandy Ridge Missionary Baptist Church. All rights reserved.
Schedule of Events
Church Calendar
To see the above calendar one week at a time, select the Week option (top right hand side of calendar). To see the above calendar in a list of events, select the Agenda option. To see the details of an event, click on the event to open it.
Click on the below links to open